Georgia Red Drum Gamefish Legislation Passes

March 28, 2013 By: Erin Block

Thanks to passionate anglers, persistent legislators, and conservation organizations HB-36, which will make the red drum (redfish) Georgia’s first saltwater gamefish, has been passed by the Senate and is now headed to the Governor for signature into law.

Read more in the press release below.

 Red Drum a Gamefish

HB-36 passed the Senate Monday, March 25, by a 38-12 vote and is now headed to the Governor’s office for a signature which will make the red drum Georgia’s first saltwater gamefish!

Congratulations are in order for everyone. Without your emails, phone calls, and faxes HB-36 and gamefish status for Georgia’s red drum would have been derailed or dropped completely!

So many were involved in this effort that we can’t possibly list them all but there are a few we would like to mention. These are individuals and groups we worked with directly and by no means an exhaustive list!!!

Rep Ben Watson – Rep Watson carried this ill from day one and saw it to completion despite opposition from within his own constituency. At some point he must have certainly thought he was committing political suicide, yet he pushed on with all of our support. Please take a minute to either call (404-656-0109) or email ([email protected]

) a quick “Thank You” for a job well done.

Brooks Schoen – Referred to as the Energizer Bunny of the Capitol. Brooks spent most of his time chasing legislators around the Capitol building either lighting fires or putting them out. This was a passionate issue to say the least. In Brooks’ words “It’s a great day for the redfish!”

Coastal Conservation Association of Georgia – Had it not been for CCA there would have never been an HB-36 and gamefish status for Georgia’s red drum. CCA was at work on this many months ago, while most of us were still enjoying summer fishing. If you’re not a member, please consider joining CCA of Georgia and getting involved!

Others – Jeff Young, Mike Duckworth, Capt Scott Owens, Mark McGarity, Dusty Del Rosario, Capt Scott Wagner, Capt Greg Hildreth, and many, many more!

Spring fishing is right around the corner with tripletail, cobia, and tarpon not far behind. Not to mention tailing redfish back in the grass! Tight lines and thank you again for all your support.

Over the coming days and weeks will be updated with additional information, links, and thanks…