Tippets: Sharpening Hooks, Redford on Bristol Bay, Stealing the Competition

January 14, 2013 By: Erin Block

  • If you’re fishing long hours for big fish, you’d do well to sharpen your hooks,  advises Kent Klewein—so you don’t end up with a 20+ brown-that-got-away story. Read how-to on Gink & Gasoline.
  • With the release of the EPA’s peer review final report, confirming that the Pebble Mine would have disastrous long-term and local impacts on the ecosystem, Robert Redford urges action on this issue of protecting Bristol Bay on The Huffington Post.
  • The prizewinning 13-pound bass at the Bailiwick Bass Club Open Competition has been found to have in fact been stolen from a local aquarium by the angler. “After failing to reel in officers with a story about catching the fish at a nearby spot, he confessed in full.” Via Mirror News.
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