Tippets: Early Fishing Book on Display, Efforts for the Everglades, Orvis on Fly Fishing for Carp
- Written by an anonymous author circa 1518, the only surviving copy of “The boke of hawkyinge and huntynge and fysshynge” is now on display at The British Library.
- From the first reports of the Everglades as “the haunt of noxious vermin,” to being called one of “the unique regions of the Earth” by Marjorie Stoneman Douglas in the 1940s, to the development of a national park, a fundamental change has taken place in regards to this ecosystem and its conservation. Yet the Everglades continues to be faced with challenges, writes Frank Daniels on The Tennessean.
- Trevor Tanner talks with Tom Rosenbauer about fly fishing for carp and how Orvis is approaching this subculture: from gear to flies, to events and competitions.
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