Left Hand Turns, Angling for Endangered Fish, How to Pick Streamer Hackle, Ode to a Vise

June 23, 2012 By: Erin Block

  • Jay Zimmerman of Colorado Fly Fishing Reports writes about left hand turns, brook trout, and finding one’s way; and why “The most difficult part of always knowing where you are is the ability to walk in a straight line.”
  • “Regulated sport fishing rarely contributes to the demise of a fish species, but it has contributed to the rescue of some,” writes Ben Long of High Country News, regarding Montatna’s bull trout populations.
  • Don Bastian helps decipher which hackle is just right for tying streamers; because sometimes, you have to sample many, he says, “Like Goldilocks sampling the porridge bowls of the three bears, she checked out two bowls before she found one that was perfect for her.”
  • Jason Klass writes an ode to the Regal Medallion vise, which “is about five times more robust than it needs to be, yet is crafted with the attention to detail of a watch maker.”


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