Rod Builders Write Book on Vincent Marinaro Techniques

December 9, 2007 By: Marshall Cutchin

Most anglers associate Vincent Marinaro with his seminal A Modern Dry-Fly Code, written in the 1950s about the behavior of insects and feeding trout and championing streamside observation for dry-fly fishers. But Thomas Whittle and Bill Harms also knew him as a great practitioner and teacher of bamboo rod building and have just released a book about their mentor entitled Split & Glued By Vincent C. Marinaro

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, echoing the inscription Marinaro placed on each of his rods. “The book is a precise examination of the technical expertise developed by one of Pennsylvania’s most influential fly fishermen and authors, an exploration of his life and times and a journey through the lore of his home trout waters in the Cumberland Valley. Prepared in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Fly Fishing Museum Association, which will receive a portion of the proceeds, the 300-page, full-color book includes 225 photos, 50 drawings, 11 original paintings and charts of all of Marinaro’s rod tapers.” Marcus Schneck on
The book can be purchased directly from the the authors at