Catching the Unapiker
Lake Davis in California’s Sierra high country abounds with high drama and speculation over the “spiking” of the lake with pike. Formerly a favorite of trout fishers, the lake is now surrounded, it seems, with folks of lively imagination
“‘I think he’s tall, about 6 feet, shaggy with a beard,’ chimed in Dorothy Kibodeaux, grinning widely.
‘Not anymore, I bet now he’s shaved. You know, so no one would recognize him,’ offered another Soroptimist.
‘Oh, right. So by now he’s clean shaven, thin as a string bean, and, of course, he’s got a lot of energy to do stupid things,’ said Kibodeaux. ‘Oh, and he probably has a little body odor, too.'”
Kathleen Hennessey on
NPR and National Geographic "Radio Expeditions"
First London Trout in 70 Years