Bob Montgomery Dies
Bob Montgomery, a pioneer of light tackle and flats fishing in the Florida Keys, passed away last Saturday.
When I started guiding in Key West in 1985, Bob could have easily made my life difficult — after all, there were only a handful of guides in the Lower Keys, and business was hard to come by (these were still pre-TarponWear days). Instead, Bob helped me out whenever he could, showed me how to live-bait tarpon and how to properly wire a boat, sponsored my admission into the Keys Guides Association, and stuck up for me amongst the veteran guides. Over the years he did nothing but nice things for me and many other young guides. It belied his rough manner and tough talk.
One thing this article about Bob in the Keynoter
doesn’t mention is that Bob used to wear a pearl-handled pistol when he was out on the water in the early days. If you’ve ever been shot at by a smuggler, you’d know why, but it definitely helped establish Bob’s aura among the sporting publications of the day.
Rest in peace, Bob.
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