The Life Cycle of Midges
Producer: Ralph & Lisa Cutter
This clip is from “Bugs of the Underworld“ (Ralph & Lisa Cutter, DVD, 37 minutes) and features the chapter on midges. Ralph & Lisa Cutter’s documentary work has appeared on National Geographic, PBS, BBC, TROUT, and at the California Academy of Sciences. This DVD showcases their extraordinary skill in underwater cinematography, and also features Stoneflies, Caddisflies, Damselflies and Mayflies.
EXCERPT: “Midges are the most common and diverse aquatic insects in the world. They occupy habitats ranging from sewage ponds, to brine holes, to crytalline alpine lakes. Their numbers can range into the tens of thousands per square meter, and in many waters their forage value is the only reason trout can exist.”
The Life Cycle of Mayflies
The Magic Brown Leech