Tippets: Joint Support for EPA’s “Clean Power,” Saltwater Casting Mistakes, TU Fights Maryland Fracking

October 20, 2014 By: Erin Block

  • Hunting, angling and outdoor conservation groups have joined together to support the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. “America’s hunters, anglers, and the $90 billion a year industry that supports them encourage long overdue action to address climate change and preserve America’s conservation legacy,” group leaders state in a recent letter to President Obama, which can be read in full here.
  • Recalling his own first saltwater fishing trip, Kent Klewein explains three mistakes he made in his casting, and provides remedies for each in a recent post on Gink & Gasoline.
  • Trout Unlimited is leading the charge to prohibit hydraulic fracturing for natural gas in the Savage River watershed in Maryland. Fracking in the area would “fragment the forest, reduce trout stream levels and pollute the water,” say representatives from TU.
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