Tying a Classified Caddis
Producer: Richard Strolis
Rich Strolis: “This particular fly I’m tying is a deep pupa, which I’m usually fishing under an indicator, or in a weight-nymph-style rig. There are different colors of this pattern that I tie, but the one I’m tying for you today is in bright green. I devised this pattern a couple of years ago after having issues with tying LaFontaine’s Sparkle Pupa, but I liked the effectiveness of them and needed a quick guide fly. So I came up with this one, and it is equally effective if not more effective in my opinion, and it’s very, very durable.”
Hook: TMC 2499 spbl
Size: 16-18
Bead: Optional
Thread: UTC 140 Color to Match
Body : Antron Dubbing Brush
Collar: Spikey Squirrel Dub
Wing: Sparkle Emerger Yarn
Rich Strolis started fishing at an early age in western Massachusetts. By the age of 11 he was introduced to fly fishing and fly tying and never looked back. Rich has been guiding for nine seasons now as well as professionally tying and selling some of his unique fly patterns, which have appeared in several fly fishing publications. To see more of Rich’s work visit his Web site at www.catching-shadows.com.
Tying a Chicken Finger
Tying a Clouser Minnow