“Ram River: Alberta’s East Slope Trout Waters Need Our Help”
Producer: Jensen Fly Fishing
“Most social media followers only see the “Rah Rah” side of what we do, what we’ve done. This video shares our depth on but one of the trout waters which we’ve had impact in our home province of Alberta, Canada. I’m emotionally bonded to Alberta’s Ram River. And in that I took as much action to preserve the river and its cutthroat trout as one person could ever do in an era where politics and industrial expansion was steam rolling people that wanted to preserve our wilderness heritage. This video shares all that I did, could do, and what failed leading to where we are once again regarding Alberta’s Ram River cutthroat trout: another cross-roads. It’s up to anglers to identify what we want from our eastern slope trout rivers and pick up the torch that I & others can no longer carry as, where others have passed on, others like myself simply burnt out from over-involvement from an era where only strong lone wolves carried the torch. Thankfully that has changed and today there are groups and communication platforms to make unified efforts. Please consider what I share and consider taking action… if you see the need… lead.”
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