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Just Around the Corner: Early Season Dry Fly Fishing in Montana
It’s still fall, and winter is on its way, but it won’t be too long (just a few months) before Montana’s first...
Never too Early: Plan Now for Hot Summer Fishing in Alaska
With the first winter storms barrelling across the country, it may seem early to consider your next trip to The Great...
Kingdom of the Black Arapaima
The creek slithers lazily through tropical undergrowth in serpentine loops before pouring us into a hidden lake walled...
Louisiana Red Bulls
Southeast Louisiana, home to spicy Cajun cuisine, jazz music, and the occasional hurricane, has become one of the...
Sizzling Summer Fly Fishing for Permit and Tarpon in Belize
When you live in the Northern Rockies, you put up with cold temperatures and inclement weather for half the year. That...
Washington’s Heavy-Water Rainbows
Washington state’s Upper Columbia River landed on the fly-fishing landscape a couple decades ago, and the first man...
The Fortress
I was nine hours into the drive before I realized that Cline River isn’t actually a town and, instead, is a simple...
Fly Fishing Niagara
As an avid angler, I know how lucky I am to live out West. I live where most folks plan their summer vacations, in a...