Tag: mayflies
The March Brown and Gray Fox
The River Reporter is quickly becoming a favorite publication of mine, thanks to some truly insightful work like this recent piece on the March Brown and Gray Fox mayflies. Tony Bonavist sheds some light on apparent confusion between the two mayflies in his most recent piece. Give it a read here.
"Pheasant Tail, Pheasant Tail"
"Amelia takes on a gorgeous brown in low light on a spring creek. It's feeding on small mayflies and even smaller caddis though some larger mayflies are hatching. Watch for some neat subtlety in the rises and the take. The glare almost kept her from seeing the take and nearly cost this nice brown from coming to hand :)"
Tying the Galloup Cripple with Kelly Galloup
Kelly Galloup: “This is my Olive Cripple. A lot of you know me for my streamers and stuff like that, but before I started the streamer game, for probably the first 25 years of my guide life I was basically a technical dry fly guy and steelhead guy. We didn't do a lot of streamer fishing back then. Hardly anybody nymph fished, people out west a little bit...
Review: "Western Mayfly Hatches"
THE 1970s and early 1980s ushered in a new era of information and angling literature about insect hatches and imitative fly patterns. As a teenager in southern Idaho, trying to figure out how to fool the rainbows of Silver Creek, Selective Trout became my bible for several summers. I collected and studied the classic bug books that followed: Hatches...
Review: "Good Flies"
When I picked up Good Flies: Favorite Trout Patterns and How They Got That Way by John Gierach late Sunday morning, I was surprised to see a 2000 copyright. I need to spend more time browsing the shelves of the local Gibson's Book Store.Gierach's writing appeals to me the way Ernest Hemingway attracts English majors. He uses a vivid down-to-earth style...
The Life Cycle of Mayflies
This clip is from Ralph and Lisa Cutter's extraordinary "Bugs of the Underworld" and features the chapter on mayflies. The Cutters' documentary work has appeared on National Geographic, PBS, BBC, TROUT, and at the California Academy of Sciences. This DVD showcases their extraordinary skill in underwater cinematography, and also features stoneflies...