Tag: fiberglass rods
"Eights Are Great"- 8-Weight Fly Rods Over and Under $500
Most anglers will agree that an 8-weight is probably the optimal rod for bonefish. Our editors thought that a gear guide focused on 8-weight selection would be helpful for the spring. These are some rods that we feel are good buys—six rods priced over $500 and six rods priced under $500. Most of us would gladly fish with any rod in this selection. Fly...
Video Hatch: Fishing Classic Glass
Julie Arnold fishes a small Montana for brown trout using a classic fiberglass rod, a Winston 7 1/2-foot #2/3 "Stalker" from the 1970s. The rod was one of the first built by Tom Morgan for Winston (it used a blank originally designed by Doug Merrick for J.K. Fisher fiberglass rods) and many consider it one of the finest glass rods ever built. online...