Matt Smythe

Matt Smythe decided two years ago that hunting and gathering for his family’s table was a far better way to make a living than grinding out a nine-to-five. From his Upstate NY home, Matt splits his time between freelance writing work, a recent dive into film projects, and spending as many hours as possible in the woods and on the water with his three kids. You can keep up with him through his blog,

Author Articles

"The Distance Between"

They’re like clockwork against the far bank. Two browns holding down the midge-buffet line. Rise…rise. Count three. Rise…rise. I know how big they are. With every lazy porpoise exposing the immense distance between snout and dorsal, dorsal and tail-tip, they’re telling on themselves. My first cast of this thick southeast Oregon sage and high desert...

On Geese and Tarpon

Spring is here. It’s finally warm and I’ve already incurred the first sunburn of the season. Of course, this is Upstate NY. I’ve steeled myself for one last cold kick in the teeth—whether it actually materializes or not.  Regardless, I’m beyond ready for an upcoming trip to Islamorada to fish for tarpon the end of the month. This being only my...

"Picking Fights"

As with any first run at a river—especially a big river in winter—there's only so many book smarts you can gather to get ready. Only so many stellar, go-to flies that you can tie or procure and crowd into fly boxes. Only so much stewing over grain-windows, tips and two-handed actions, studded soles, fleece layers, handwarmers  and what to fill the...