How to Tie the Fluff-Top Mayfly

Producer: Fly Fish Food

Here’s a fantastic mayfly imitation created by Madison Losee from Fly Fish Food in Idaho Falls, Idaho. It’s a pattern that’s got a lot of cool features: a trailing shuck, a segmented body with a little iridescence, and a CDC wing that guarantees that the fly lands lightly, the body sits low in the surface film, and it all floats well. This particular version is an imitation of a Pink Albert (Epeorus albertae), but you can adjust colors and materials to make a version that mimics almost any mayfly. Here’s what the folks at Fly Fish Food have to say about the video:

The Fluff Top Mayfly is a pattern with a great profile in the water. The CDC Parachute technique is a fun way to utilize the Smhaen Thread Splitter, resulting in a high-floating quick tie. The featured color screams South Fork riffle bug! So make sure to have a few in your box come dry-fly season. Pro tip: Use Parapost Yarn in Fl. Pink for a Hi Viz version.

Fluff-Top Mayfly (Pink Albert)
Hook: TMC 2488 Nymph Hook, size 14.
Thread: White, 12/0 or 50-denier.
Shuck: Brown Sparkle Emerger Yarn.
Rib: Shrimp Pink Veevus Iridescent Thread.
Body: Light Cahill Turkey Biots.
Adhesive: Superglue.
Wing post: Tan Parapost Yarn.
Wing: White CDC feathers.
Thorax: Pink PMD Tactical Dry Fly Dub.