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Author Articles

Ask MidCurrent: Year-End Game Plan for Trout in the Northeast

Question: I'd like to extend my fishing into the colder months. What are some good trout fishing tactics from October through December for the Northeast region of the U.S.? Answer: Before getting into specific tactics, it's a good idea to check each state's trout fishing regulations. Season dates can vary significantly by state, and even by specific waters...

Ask MidCurrent: Freshwater Stripers on the Fly

Question: What are some good fly options for freshwater striper fishing? Any other fly fishing tips for freshwater stripers? ~ Ted from Virginia Answer: Sweet water stripers can offer a taste of that wild saltwater action so many of us landlocked anglers crave. The explosive strikes and reel-burning runs of lake and river dwelling silver-sided brutes can...

Ask MidCurrent: Spey, Surf, and Stripers

Question: Sticking with the Spey rod topic, are there any books or videos on Spey casting the surf? Are there any specific lines for stripers when using a Spey rod in the surf and do you use a stripping basket as well? ~ Bob from Rhode Island Answer: For readers catching up: Last week, we explored the versatility of Spey rods for targeting species that are...

Ask MidCurrent: Spey Curious—Not Just for Salmon and Steelhead

Question: I'm intrigued by those long Spey rods. As a trout angler who occasionally fishes larger rivers and for other species, could a Spey rod work for me? I thought they were just for salmon and steelhead. Answer: You're not the only one. There's been a notable surging interest in Spey fishing over the past decade. What was once a niche technique...

Ask MidCurrent: Taming Leader Twist

Question: What can I do to mitigate leader twist when using bulky flies like poppers and streamers that catch wind? Answer: We've all been there, friend. Nothing knots up your day and unfurls your frustration like doing everything right while in pursuit of big, meat-eating fish only to have your efforts stymied by a twisted leader. But fret not, fellow fly...

Ask MidCurrent: Is it Possible to End up with a "Lemon" Fly Rod?

Question: How do manufacturers ensure that each fly rod rolling off the line is exactly like every other fly rod of the same make and model? Is it possible to end up with a "lemon" rod? ~ Bob from Rhode Island Answer: The short answers are tight quality control and not likely. There's little leeway for sloppy QC. Social media access to nearly everyone in...

Ask MidCurrent: Are Some Fly Rod Brands Better Than Others?

Question: I have a 4-weight, 8-and-a-half foot St. Croix rod I have used for years. I never see any mention of St. Croix in your articles. Are they not worthy rods? ~ Bryon from Traverse City, Michigan Answer: First, let's address St. Croix specifically. Contrary to your perception, Bryon, we have indeed covered St. Croix rods in reviews like this one, and...

Ask MidCurrent: Fish Size vs. Fly Size When Choosing a Fly Rod Weight

Question: Should I choose a fly rod weight based on the size of the fish I plan to catch or the size of the fly I plan to cast? Answer: The answer is "yes." Yes, you should choose a fly rod weight based on the size of fish you plan to catch. And, yes, you should choose a fly rod weight based on the size of fly you plan to cast. But before we bend our minds...

Ask MidCurrent: Why and How You Should Clean Your Fly Line

Question: I've never really paid much attention to cleaning my fly line. Do I need to? I don't want to mess up my gear, but I also don't want to waste time on unnecessary maintenance if it's not really needed. Answer: We invest hours of time and oodles of money into selecting the perfect fly rod, reel, flies, and keep all of these tools in tip-top shape. So...

Ask MidCurrent: Straight vs. Tapered Leaders for Bass Fly Fishing

Question: I've heard and read that a lot of bass fly anglers use straight instead of tapered leaders. Is this true? And if so, how and why does this work? Answer: This topic, straight and tapered leaders, often sparks lively debate among bass fly anglers. While both options have their merits, it's true that many seasoned anglers have come to prefer straight...