Spey Casting Books, Videos

June 5, 2004 By: Marshall Cutchin

Attention Spey Casters and Spey-Casting Wannabe’s:
There’s a new book coming out by Simon Gawesworth entitled Spey Casting (Stackpole Books, August 2004) that looks to be a very good one; Thomas McGuane writes the introduction. Mr. Gawesworth is a legendary spey teacher and is the author of RIO’s “Basic Spey and Two Handed Fly Rod Casting” pamphlet that is included with every spey line they sell. RIO Products

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also markets two videos: “Basic Spey and Two Handed Fly Rod Casting” with Jim Vincent, and “International Spey Casting” with Simon Gawesworth, Jim Vincent, and Leif Stavmo.
And Mel Kreiger has a good spey casting video

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out that you can buy bundled with his Essence of Fly Casting II for $29 on Amazon.com — pretty good deal, I think.