Tippets: Subsurface Flies for Largemouth Bass, Reading Rivers of the Past
- From the classic Clouser minnow pattern to deer hair divers, Alvin Dedeaux of All Water Guides runs down the list of his top picks for subsurface flies for largemouth bass. “Much as a dry-fly junkie as I am,” he writes, “I do nymph for trout when the conditions dictate. After all, I want to catch as many fish as I can. Ditto for bass. When the topwater bite is not happening, I have a few go-to sub surface bass patterns.” Via Orvis.
- Fly anglers read rivers as they are today, but geoscientist Liz Hajek studies what rivers can tell us about the past. In this TED talk, Hajek “shows us how rocks deposited by ancient rivers can be used as a time machine to study the history of the earth, so we can figure out how to more sustainably live on it today.”
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