Tippets: Colorado Delta and the Tortuava, Aquatic Mussels Detected in Montana, Gila Trout Facts, Menominee River Mine Proposal
- The endangered Tortuava is a member of the drum species native to the northern Sea of Cortez, and Jonathan Wright reports on how revitalizing the Colorado River Delta could help this species. “A thriving ecosystem in the Colorado Delta could help bring back populations of one of the largest saltwater species in the Americas. Whether or not that could comprise a viable trophy sport fishery is open to tantalizing speculation.” Via Fly Fisherman.
- Larvae from aquatic invasive mussels have been detected in Montana for the first time. The water tests were from the Tiber Reservoir. “The recent test results are definitely bad news, but they do indicate our detection system is working,” says Eileen Ryce, FWP fisheries division administrator. “The results from Tiber Reservoir show the larvae exist at very low densities, which improves our chances for containment.” Via The Independent Record.
- Currently listed as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act, Gila trout are native to the Desert Southwest states of Arizona and New Mexico. Phil Monahan writes about their history and future in this article via Orvis.
- A proposed 83-acre open pit mine along the Menominee River, which runs along the border between Wisconsin and Michigan, is raising concerns with conservationists and the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin. Both express “concerns that the mine could harm the river, Menominee effigy mounds and other culturally significant features on the mine site.” Via Wisconsin State Journal.
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