Caution Over Grip and Grins, Tips for Changing Line, Returning Chinook Salmon Are Only the Beginning

September 6, 2012 By: Erin Block

  • Whether you’re photographing bonefish or any other catch, be mindful (wary, even) of grip and grins. “Keep the fish in the water. That fish should either be in the water, or clearly dripping water as you take it out for 2 seconds,” writes Bjorn Stromsness. “We can do better.”
  • If you’re changing line on your reel any time soon, check out the good advice from Gary Muncy on how to efficiently manage the switch as well as a few good knots for the process.
  • After only five months since dam demolished was completed, Chinook salmon have returned to the Elwha River. And while it’s positive news, writes Brendon Bosworth of High Country News, “These early visitors offer promise for how future generations of wild fish will repopulate the river during spawning season, but it will be some time — as long as 28 years based on current estimates — before numbers return to levels seen before the existence of the dams.”
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