New Books: Aaron Adams's Fly Fisherman's Guide to Saltwater Prey
“The recipes for flies and descriptions of baits includes anything and everything: eels, parrotfishes, needlefishes, segmented worms, sea urchins, you name it. And the text is loaded with valuable tips ready to be applied. You’ll learn what makes a fly good for fish wary of stripping action, where and why a ChilliPepper fly is a good bet for bonefish, and what about a Gray Squirrel Bendback make it functional in sea grass white spots or areas with current.” Jordan Kahn reviews the new saltwater fly patterns book by Aaron Adams, a Mote Marine scientist who is also the operations director of Bonefish & Tarpon Unlimited. In the Daytona Beach News-Journal.
Fly Fisherman’s Guide to Saltwater Prey
on Amazon.
1989: Nelson Bryant on Rosenbauer's Reading Trout Streams
Telling Lies to Capture the Truth