David Dalu Wins Don Hawley Tarpon Tournament
David Dalu and guide Scott Collins won the 5-day Don HawleyTarpon Tournament which ended yesterday in the Florida Keys. Dalu was the first first-time angler to win the event in the 33-year history of the sport. Releasing six fish on day one and three fish on day two, then two fish on each of the last two days, Dalu and Collins kept their lead through the entire event and ended with six fish more than second-place team Thane Morgan and Craig Brewer.
We asked Dalu what he thought made the biggest difference in their success this week and he said: “It was all about staying connected to the fish, which for us means just bringing the fish tight and keeping the hook in the fish’s mouth. It works just as well with 12-pound test as it does with 16.”
Hook, Line and Keep From Sinking
AFFTA to Launch January Consumer Show in Denver