Psycho Fly Fishers
As is more and more common in these days of Internet socializing, the Psycho Fly Fishers of the Southern Fly Fishers Forum get together twice a year to put faces and usernames together
. “In fact, the fishing, the food, the friends and the fun were so good that the weather couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm. Three days of twice-a-day thunderstorms turned the camp site into a muddy quagmire. Four-wheel drive vehicles got stuck trying to pull out two-wheel drive cars sunk to the hubcaps in slop. Folks took to wearing their boots and waders from dawn to bedtime.” Dan Genest in the Richmond (Virginia) Times-Dispatch
Of course these types of conclaves aren’t limited to freshwater get-togethers. One of the most popular saltwater gatherings is the Poontangle in the lower Florida Keys — hosted by Jim “JJ_BPK” Johnson and Buttonwood Bob (Bob Brown) — where lots of old and new friends toast tarpon fishing and comraderie for 2 days every early summer.
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