Del Brown Permit Tournament Results

March 15, 2005 By: Marshall Cutchin

As anyone who has fished long and hard for permit can tell you, it’s not all that unusual to have to endure a long dry spell. Three fish in 48 fishing days qualifies as a “dry spell,” I think, and unfortunately it happened for the anglers and guides in this year’s Del Brown Tournament, held last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in Key West, Florida.
As MidCurrent readers and participants Captain Mike Guerin and angler Warren Hinrichs reported, the water was cold, the light was poor and a cold front added to the challenge.
Capt. Guerin: “Wednesday of the tournament was one of the three most ludicrously foolish days I have ever spent fishing…. Water temp at 64, full cloudcover and blowing 20-30mph. Had only(surprised to get those) 3 shots all day and the fish looked strange in their black neoprene suits.”
Warren Hinrichs: “Of course Simon [Becker] and Steve Dunn caught a fish! No surprise there. Andy Mill and Dustin Huff caught two permit to win the tournament. No surprise there either. We ended up with runner-up…again…and we caught the largest fish of the tournament. Good fish karma in difficult conditions. The tournament will be moved to July per a vote by the group.”

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