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"The Flashbanger is an attractor pattern that is effective for fishing in both running water and still...
Bluegill Candy Fly
"Like the Bully Bluegill, it is simple and uses many of the same materials, but looks like it will sink a bit quicker...
Tying the Super Mottle Nymph
In December of 2023, I made a trip to Steelhead Alley in Northwestern Pennsylvania, to be a guest on an episode of The...
EP Peanut Butter Pinfish
"Never underestimate the power of a few simple ingredients and a few minutes of creative coloring. The sparse, flexible...
Tying the Blowtorch
"Devin Olson's Blowtorch has quickly become one of the more popular nymphs for Euro-style fishermen everywhere."
A Ride with Clyde
"Hop in the back seat of Clyde, The Drake Magazine’s 1974 Mercury Marquis, and tag along with the cast of Tailer...