Tying Tuesday: The Old and the New

March 4, 2025 By: Phil Monahan

This week’s Tying Tuesday features three very different patterns for fishing different parts of the water column. If you enjoy fishing dry-dropper tandem rigs, Davie McPhail’s hi-vis caddisfly imitation makes both a great indicator and a tasty meal for trout looking to smack insects off the surface. Next, Matt O’Neal of Savage Flies teaches you to tie a classic wet fly that still brings trout to the net. And finally, Isaac Ness shares his version of a great olive nymph that originated on Colorado’s South Platte River. Spring is almost here in much of the country, and it won’t be long before we see our first hatches.

Dry-Dropper Caddis
Hook: Czech-nymph hook (here, a Fulling Mill 5065), size 14.
Thread: Light Cahill, 8/0.
Wing post and tail: Fluorescent Sunburst Ultra Dry Yarn.
Abdomen: Natural rabbit dubbing mixed with UV Flash.
Underwing: Natural CDC.
Adhesive #1: Thread wax.
Wing: Elk hair, cleaned and stacked.
Thorax: Brown-olive rabbit dubbing mixed with UV Flash.
Hackle: Grizzly.
Wing: CDC and Elk Hair.
Head: Brown-olive rabbit dubbing mixed with UV Flash.
Adhesive #2: Head cement.

Classic wet flies are making a comeback, as anglers realize that these patterns have been around so long because they work. They’re also easy to tie and fish, which makes them great for novice tiers and anglers.

March Brown
Hook: Standard wet-fly hook, sizes 10-16.
Thread: Tan, 6/0 or 70-denier.
Tail: Pheasant tail fibers.
Adhesive #1: Thread wax.
Body: Natural hare’s-ear dubbing.
Hackle: Light-brown hen hackle.
Wing: Natural duck slips.
Head: Tying thread.
Adhesive #2: Head cement.

In many parts of the country, blue-winged olives (Baetis sp.) are the first good hatches of the season, and this nymph pattern created by Colorado legend Pat Dorsey is a killer pattern to use before you start seeing duns on the water.

Dorsey’s Top-Secret Baetis
Hook: Standard dry-fly hook (here, a Tiemco 100), sizes 20-14.
Tail: Hungarian partridge or mallard flank feather.
Rib: Black wire, small or x-small.
Abdomen: Olive thread.
Wing case: olive or gray Swiss Straw.
Thorax: Olive extra-fine dubbing.
Legs: Hungarian partridge or mallard flank.
Head: Tying thread.
Adhesive: UV-cure resin or head cement.