Tippets: Yellow Sally Patterns, Seeing Your Fly

January 13, 2017 By: Erin Block

  • Trout love yellow sally stoneflies, writes Louis Cahill, and so should every angler. “Even in the dead of terrestrial season, or when other aquatic bug hatches such as caddis or mayflies are in progress, trout will regularly forage on Yellow Sallies if they’re available. For that fact alone, fly anglers should always have a handful of Yellow Sally fly patterns stowed away in the fly box at all times.” Check out this article for a list of the ten best to keep on hand. Via Gink & Gasoline.
  • Small dry flies are winners on small streams, but seeing your fly can often be a problem. Chris Dore outlines strategies for better visibility in this article, “Seeing Your Beetle.”
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