Thomas & Thomas Fly Rod Giveaway

May 23, 2012 By: Erin Block

In the mid-1960s, Tom Dorsey and Tom Maxwell joined together in their hobby of making fly rods. However, by 1969, “with more and more people seeking out their craftsmanship, they decided to make a full-time go of it, opened a P.O. Box and took out an ad in the paper asking people to send for a catalog. 800 requests poured in almost immediately.”

And now over forty years later, Thomas & Thomas is offering a fly rod giveaway in the spirit of that first print catalog. Once their goal of 800 Likes on Facebook, followers on Twitter, and subscribers to their monthly newsletter is reached, they will draw one winner to pick a rod from any line in the current T&T catalog

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(excepting bamboo). So head on over to one or all of these social media platforms for your chance to win.