Lyons: Pages As Alluring As Fish
Nice to see Nick Lyons making his place in The New York Times. Here he talks about the stories that keep his interest in angling literature fresh and alive. “I might suggest to a friend who fished too hard and too often, who thought he would like to fish all the time on a fine piece of water, that he read G.E.M. Skues’s ‘Mr. Theodore Castwell.’ It is the tale of a man who dies, goes to ‘his own place,’ asks for and then fishes a lovely stretch of a chalk stream that yields a two-and-a-half-pound trout on every cast, fish after fish. Only when he wants to stop does he learn that he ain’t in heaven but in the other place.”
Further, Nick lists some great sources for memorable and collectible titles.
Book Review: Tying Emergers
Darrel Martin, Trout Romeo