
Targeting Wild Vs Stocked Trout

In a recent story over in Hatch Magazine, George Daniel discussed the differences between fishing for stocked and wild trout. He specifically uses the example of taking his students - who enroll in Penn State University's fly fishing class - to try their hand on Spring Creek, near Bellefonte, PA. Many of these students, Daniel writes, have no problem...

A Lesser-Known Technique for Spring Fly Fishing

Douglas Paton has an interesting take on a lesser-known technique he says helps catch more fish during the spring season. Spring is a time for growth and rejuvenation, and aquatic insects are no stranger to that period of change. Different bugs behave differently when emerging from their larval state into an adult, and it's this moment of change that Paton...

Two Anglers Are Better Than One

If you enjoy fishing with a buddy, you're not alone. Kent Klewein, over at Gink & Gasoline, just wrote a story about enjoying the camaraderie of fly fishing, and how that's relatively impossible unless you fish with someone. You can read the story here.

The Wild Trout Debate

Chris Hunt sparked some serious discussion with his latest story in Hatch Magazine. Hunt wrote a wide-ranging story that, at its heart, can be summed up in this paragraph towards the end: "It is time to stop palpitating over which trout belong where and start ensuring functional rivers have the resiliency needed to withstand a climate that’s not going...

Bloomberg's Take on Orvis Helios

Kyle Stock, writing for Bloomberg, put together a story about the attempt Orvis is making with the new Helios to woo anglers who started fly fishing during the pandemic, but have waning interest in the sport. Stock's argument seems to be that the $1,098 Helios is somehow a lure to keep anglers in the sport. While I've fished - and been duly impressed by ...

What Do You Have Against Euro Nymphing?

In his latest Q&A article, Dom Swentosky addresses a question from a reader who thinks that Dom doesn't like Euro nymphing. The following discussion is insightful - as we'd expect it to be from Dom - and something I honestly agree with. I think, after reading, you'll agree with Dom, too. Read the story here.

Can You Hear Wading Boot Studs?

Domenick Swentosky, over at Troutbitten, regularly hosts a Q&A column where he tackles questions from his readers. A recent one had to do with whether you can "hear" your wading boot studs underwater, and what effect that might have on trout. You can read Dom's response, and see the video he put together, here.

The Truth About False Casting

Todd Tanner has a new story in Hatch Magazine about false casting that's worth your time to read. His opinion is that the general trend in fly fishing surrounding false casting is, well - false. He thinks we go too hard with the "false cast as little as possible" mantra, and should enjoy the art of casting more. Regardless of where you stand, you should...

Why Fly Fish in Winter?

In this piece over at Fly Fisherman Magazine, Boots Allen walks us through the reasons that so many anglers now fly fish during winter. There are a whole host of factors pushing more anglers onto the water this time of year, but chief among them are more fishing opportunities with fewer crowds. Especially here in the West, our fisheries are jam-packed...

Maximize Your Fly Fishing

In a new story over at Men's Journal, Chase McCoy details how a minimalist attitude can actually help you maximize your fly fishing success. It's a view I agree with, as I've tried to simplify my approach to the water in recent years, as well. You can read the entire story here.