Tippets: Micro Fishing, Natives in Yellowstone

November 17, 2014 By: Erin Block

  • Breaking large bodies of water into smaller segments is the difference between good fly fishing and great fly fishing. Kirk Deeter writes about several strategies for doing so in a recent article on Field & Stream’s Fly Talk blog. “Micro adjustments make all the difference,” writes Deeter. “Sometimes that’s a weight adjustment.  Sometimes it’s a matter of taking a closer, harder look at the water in the run you fish, and covering the micro seams.”
  • While every angler likes a big fish and good fight, that comes at a price in Yellowstone. Greg Thomas writes a piece on the issues surrounding native and non-native species in the Yellowstone National Park waters. “In taking liberty to speak for those cutthroats and grayling,” Thomas writes. “I say those fish belong where they are. That is not something I can say for the park’s rainbow and lake trout, no matter how much I, too, like to see that fly rod bending big.” Via Angler’s Tonic.