Tippets: Seller’s Market, Record Salmon Returns, Piebald Tarpon Caught and Released

June 26, 2014 By: Erin Block

  • Mia Sheppard likens house hunting to steelhead fishing, finding similar strategies for success between the two. Via Metalheads.
  • According to forecasts by Fish and Wildlife officials, salmon returns from the Columbia River to Pacific Ocean might be among the best in recorded history. “It will absolutely be one of the most significant seen in years,” says Doug Milward, state Fish and Wildlife coastal salmon resource manager, “and there will be no better place to be than the coast.” Via The Seattle Times.
  • Recently, a client of Captain Clark Wright, who runs a charter service off Florida’s West Coast, caught a rare piebald tarpon. “We took a DNA sample and successfully released him. He lives to fight another day.”