Tippets: Night Eyes, Bridge Blocked, Matching the Hatch

September 13, 2013 By: Erin Block

  • Night fishing is a different ballgame, leaving you at the mercy of  intuition. Recently, Mike Sepelak waded in and wrote of the experience, mousing for browns in Michigan. “ The brain takes a moment to sort out the grays, but the ears don’t care how dark.”
  • The Hood Canal Bridge in Washington State is proving a navigational nightmare for migrating steelhead. Becoming disoriented by the concrete pontoons, the fish become easy prey for harbor seals, states the research recently published in the journal PLOS ONE.
  • Knowing where to look is the key to matching the hatch. And from car bumpers to spider webs, Phil Monahan details the best places to look for bugs hatching on and off the water.