Tippets: Nail-less Knot, Bonefish Population Decline, Weather’s Wills

July 2, 2013 By: Erin Block

  • John Coles demonstrates a nail knot that requires no additional tools to tie. A great skill to add to your knot-tying knowledge base.
  • Recent research by Audubon Florida has studied declining bonefish populations in Florida Bay. “While a decrease in prey may likely have been part of the cause of the decline since the 1980s,” state the authors, “prey abundance alone does not appear to explain the dramatic decline in Florida Bay bonefish that has occurred in recent years [since 2006].” Read more via Susan Cocking at The Miami Herald.
  • As fly anglers, we’re at the mercy of the weather. It tests our mettle, and perseverance is often the price we must pay for a catch. As Austin Orr writes in a recent essay, “We live and die, thrill and cry as the wind wills it.” Via Salt396.