Water Without the Weight: Staying Hydrated

May 28, 2012 By: timromano

Water without the weight. Photo by Louis Cahill

Kent Klewein over at Gink and Gasoline talks about the advantages of using a Katadyn water filtration bottle over lugging water in to a remote fishing destination.

Kent says, “I really enjoy hiking into remote locations to fly fish for trout. The only problem with me doing this, is I’m constantly fighting to quench my thirst and stay hydrated.”  He goes on to ad that with using a filter bottle instead of packing in his own water that he, “no longer has to ration my water intake during the day”.

Check out the the other reasons fishing guide Kent Klewein recommends using a personal water filter bottle.

Sponsored Link: Buy the Simms BPA-Free Large-Mouth Water Bottle