Stocking Mountain Lakes, Watch Birds on the Water, Confused Priorities: How Many and How

August 28, 2012 By: Erin Block

  • Started in the early 1900s by anglers dedicated to packing fish in on horseback or in milk jugs attached to backpacks, stocking of Montana’s high mountain lakes still occurs today.  Except now it’s via helicopter, making sure that if anglers put in the time and effort to get there, they’ll be rewarded.
  • Long an anglers friend, birds can help you locate fish, from striped bass to tarpon, explains Kent Klewein on Gink and Gasoline. “Any birds you find on the water means there’s probably bait and fish nearby, but when you find diving birds in good numbers, you know there’s a feeding frenzy in progress”
  • Kirk Deeter tackles an issue certainly deserving of debate on the Trout Unlimited blog; namely, are we putting too much emphasis on how many fish we catch, instead of how we catch them. Sporting ethics, conservation, and the willingness to learn new techniques all factor into the equation.