A Short Gratitude List

November 24, 2011 By: Marshall Cutchin

If we weren’t obligated to spend hours enjoying the glazed sweet-potato casserole, corn-syrup-free pecan pie and honey chipotle deep-fried turkey, we could easily spend the day ennumerating the other things we’re thankful for on Thanksgiving.  But obligations are obligations, so here’s an abbreviated list, in no particular menu order:

  • First of all, that we enjoy a sport that can mean almost anything to anybody.  Everyone is welcome at the table, insectophiles and bobberites alike.  Even the family screwballs get to eat.  There’s no wrong way to bless the moment.
  • That thanks to the more aware, energetic and—yes—idealist members of our extended family, we usually have more than enough fishing nearby, whenever we have the appetite.
  • That we have family and friends who usually want to go fishing as much or more than we do.  Work is, they remind us, overrated.
  • And that today gives us a chance to remember how we are all here in the first place: believing in dreams, trusting our companions, and being mindful that we don’t have control over every outcome.

And while Thanksgiving is a truly American celebration, we feel privileged at MidCurrent to speak to fly fishers all over the globe, of all cultures and customs.  May you enjoy your family holidays as much as we do.

Come visit when you get a chance.  Door’s open.