Singlebarbed Adds Tungsten to Its Sixth Finger Scissors

October 12, 2010 By: Alex Cerveniak

Singlebarbed 4.5″ Tungsten Sixth Finger Scissors

A spring steel fly tying scissor designed to be worn in the palm for the duration of a fly tying session. Enhanced with Tungsten Carbide inserts for 2011, these scissors will better cut through bulky materials.  Each pair includes an adjustable screw for disassembly and sharpening.  $28

Singlebarbed 5.5″ Tungsten Sixth Finger Scissors

The larger cousin to the 4.5″,  this general purpose scissor has been enhanced with Tungsten Carbide inserts and an adjustable screw, and features a larger, heavier, blade than the 4.5″.  $29

Sixth Finger Scissors can be purchased at the Singlebarbed Web site.